biking tricks and tips step by step tutorials
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The Bike Addict

Hello, and welcome to my biking web site! I totally "renovated" it. I gave the site a new fresh look. I think you'll find it a bit easier to navigate around the site now. I have added some new image maps. You just click on the picture and then it views the link, Sorry for the delay in new materials such as new images for the photo gallery, new videos, and new tricks. I cracked my frame over two and a half months ago and I still haven't got my bike back from the shop.In this site I will show you how to Cat Walk, endo, ollie, do a rotating ollie, nose manual, how to turn in a cat walk, and how to turn while in an endo. On this site I will have videos, pictures, crashes, and tips on riding your bike.I am just a beginner and this site is for all the people who wasn't to start learning the basics. I am becoming more advanced so when I nail that new trick I'll pass the info on how to do it! Also on this site I have put on some of my CRASHES!! Actually it was my friends that crashed.

My friends and I also built 2 jumps! I live in CANADA, it is fall now, and as you can see and it it getting cold. Winter will be coming soon. . . but I am PREPARED. These are my snow tires. I picked them up on a recent trip to FINLAND. They cost a mere $120 each! Check them out in my photo gallery.

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