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In theis section you will be learning hot to do an endo or "stoppi".
This trick is more for fun than anything practical. However, this trick does work on your ballence
and weight transfering forward! The key to doing this trick is not to be scared. Start slowly
and graduate to higher speeds. But, going faster does not necessarily guaranty a bigger endo.
Weight transfering is also very important!
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  The first step in doing an endo is to stand up, and ride at a steady pace.
  Once you come into position, start to extend your legs and weight transfer forward.
  Press your front brake, and start to lean over your handlebars.
  You will feel the bike coming up from under you, keep weight transfering forward.
  The picture explains itself.
  If you feel your going too high start to lean backwards.
  The ballencing point of an endo is when your shoulders become vertical with the front axle.
  If you feel like your going over, release the brake. To smooth your landing, modulate your brake on and off, or gently release the brake but still keeping preasue on it.
  When you land your arms should be locked. You pivot with your shoulders instead of coming down with your bike.