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In this section I will be demonstrating an ollie. This trick is essential to getting huge air of any jump.
This is also one of the hardest tricks. The most common use for my ollies are going up curbs with speed. If you pop a curb at speed
your back tire will hit the edge of the curb, and you could possibly pop your tire,
or bend your rim! An ollie is also the basis of many other tricks to come.
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Click here to learn how to do a rotating ollie!
  To prep for an ollie you must stand positioned over your handlebars.
  Next you must build up energy in your legs and arms.
  Before you pull up, you can push down and youse the rebounding action of your shox to help you get up, or just pull upwards and bring your legs up. You should tilt your feet so you can get extra grip, and it helps in getting the back end up.
  Keep extending your arms and legs, and the bike should start to come up from under you.
  When you get to the peak of your jump, bring your arms and legs in towards you.
  Bring your arms and legs in further, try to keep the bike in the air as long as possible.
  And land!